Linux Academy - Linux+ LPIC Level 1 Exam 101 Video Direct Download

01.01. About The Certification and How to Prepare.mp4
01.02. Choosing a Distribution.mp4
02.01. Basic User Management For Fresh Images-Server Installs.mp4
02.02. A Look At VI And Nano Text Editors.mp4
02.03. Root User, Sudo Users And Setting Up Your User Account.mp4
02.04. Navigating Linux & The File System.mp4
02.05. Logs & More File Management Tools.mp4
02.06. File Permissions.mp4
02.07. Cron Jobs.mp4
02.08. Introduction To Linux Package Managers.mp4
02.09. A Look At System Resources With The Linux Top Command.mp4
02.10. Finding Files In Linux.mp4
03.01. Apt-Get Command Set.mp4
03.02. Apt-Cache Package Management.mp4
03.03. DPKG Command Set.mp4
03.04. Summary & Overview of aptitude.mp4
03.05. A Look At dselect.mp4
04.01. RPM Package Management.mp4
04.02. YUM Software Management.mp4
04.03. yumdownloader & rpm2cpio.mp4
05.01. Vi Modes & The importance of Vi.mp4
05.02. Vi Commands and Usage.mp4
06.01. wc, split, cat, and diff commands.mp4
06.02. Streams (stdin, stdout, stderr) and Redirects.mp4
06.03. Pipes.mp4
06.04. grep, egrep, and fgrep.mp4
06.05. Cut Command.mp4
06.06. sed Stream Editor.mp4
06.07. tee command.mp4
07.01. sys, proc, dev and var.m4v
07.02. lsmod.m4v
07.03. lspci and lsusb.m4v
07.04. modprobe and insmod.m4v
07.05. Grub Boot loader.m4v
07.06. Differentiate and Optimize Storage and Input.m4v
07.07. Differentiate and Demonstrate Hot and Cold Plug Devices.m4v
07.08. Determine Hardware Device Resources.m4v
07.09. Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.m4v
07.10. System Boot Process.m4v
07.11. Init and Telinit.m4v
08.01. File Naming Basics And A Look At File Commands.mp4
08.02. File Archiving & The RM, MV Commands.mp4
08.03. The gunzip Command.mp4
08.04. Linux Links.mp4
08.05. Linking Vs. Copying Files.m4v
08.06. Basic Directory & Group Commands.mp4
08.07. Special Permission Bits.mp4
08.08. Default Permissions umask, newgrp, and chattr.mp4
08.09. Linux Core Directories & What They Are Used For.mp4
08.10. Finding Files In Linux Using, Find, Locate, Whereis, Which and Type.mp4
08.11. updatedb.conf configuration file.mp4
08.12. Using The dd Command.mp4
08.13. The touch Command.mp4
09.01. Software Libraries.mp4
09.02. Using ps To Manage Processes.mp4
09.03. Using TOP.mp4
09.04. Using nice To Change Linux Process Priorities.mp4
09.05. Killing Processes In Linux.mp4
09.06. Using The uname Command To Query System Information.mp4
09.07. Understanding Background VS Foreground processes.mp4
09.08. The nohup Command.mp4
09.09. The free Command.mp4
10.01. Which and Whereis.mp4
10.02. Finding Files With Locate.mp4
10.03. The Powerful Find Command.mp4
11.01. How To Create A Linux Academy Disk Volume.mp4
11.02. Creating And Mounting A Disk Partition.mp4
11.03. Using fdisk, Creating A File System, and Configuring Mount Entry With -etc-fstab.mp4
11.04. Working With Linux Swap.mp4
11.05. -media mount point.m4v
12.01. du, df and mount.m4v
12.02. fsck and e2fsck.m4v
12.03. mke2fs and debugfs.m4v
12.04. dumpe2fs and tune2fs.m4v
12.05. xfs tools.m4v
12.06. Disk Partitioning Schemes.m4v
13.01. Simple Commands & Shortcuts For The Linux Shell.mp4
13.02. Environment Variables, Redirection Operators & Data Pipes.mp4
13.03. Manipulating Files.mp4
13.04. File Viewing Commands For The Linux Bash Shell.mp4
14.01. Disk Quotas.m4v
14.02. User Quotas.m4v
15.01. Preparing For The Exam & 10% Off Voucher.mp4
01.01. About The Certification and How to Prepare.mp4
01.02. Choosing a Distribution.mp4
02.01. Basic User Management For Fresh Images-Server Installs.mp4
02.02. A Look At VI And Nano Text Editors.mp4
02.03. Root User, Sudo Users And Setting Up Your User Account.mp4
02.04. Navigating Linux & The File System.mp4
02.05. Logs & More File Management Tools.mp4
02.06. File Permissions.mp4
02.07. Cron Jobs.mp4
02.08. Introduction To Linux Package Managers.mp4
02.09. A Look At System Resources With The Linux Top Command.mp4
02.10. Finding Files In Linux.mp4
03.01. Apt-Get Command Set.mp4
03.02. Apt-Cache Package Management.mp4
03.03. DPKG Command Set.mp4
03.04. Summary & Overview of aptitude.mp4
03.05. A Look At dselect.mp4
04.01. RPM Package Management.mp4
04.02. YUM Software Management.mp4
04.03. yumdownloader & rpm2cpio.mp4
05.01. Vi Modes & The importance of Vi.mp4
05.02. Vi Commands and Usage.mp4
06.01. wc, split, cat, and diff commands.mp4
06.02. Streams (stdin, stdout, stderr) and Redirects.mp4
06.03. Pipes.mp4
06.04. grep, egrep, and fgrep.mp4
06.05. Cut Command.mp4
06.06. sed Stream Editor.mp4
06.07. tee command.mp4
07.01. sys, proc, dev and var.m4v
07.02. lsmod.m4v
07.03. lspci and lsusb.m4v
07.04. modprobe and insmod.m4v
07.05. Grub Boot loader.m4v
07.06. Differentiate and Optimize Storage and Input.m4v
07.07. Differentiate and Demonstrate Hot and Cold Plug Devices.m4v
07.08. Determine Hardware Device Resources.m4v
07.09. Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.m4v
07.10. System Boot Process.m4v
07.11. Init and Telinit.m4v
08.01. File Naming Basics And A Look At File Commands.mp4
08.02. File Archiving & The RM, MV Commands.mp4
08.03. The gunzip Command.mp4
08.04. Linux Links.mp4
08.05. Linking Vs. Copying Files.m4v
08.06. Basic Directory & Group Commands.mp4
08.07. Special Permission Bits.mp4
08.08. Default Permissions umask, newgrp, and chattr.mp4
08.09. Linux Core Directories & What They Are Used For.mp4
08.10. Finding Files In Linux Using, Find, Locate, Whereis, Which and Type.mp4
08.11. updatedb.conf configuration file.mp4
08.12. Using The dd Command.mp4
08.13. The touch Command.mp4
09.01. Software Libraries.mp4
09.02. Using ps To Manage Processes.mp4
09.03. Using TOP.mp4
09.04. Using nice To Change Linux Process Priorities.mp4
09.05. Killing Processes In Linux.mp4
09.06. Using The uname Command To Query System Information.mp4
09.07. Understanding Background VS Foreground processes.mp4
09.08. The nohup Command.mp4
09.09. The free Command.mp4
10.01. Which and Whereis.mp4
10.02. Finding Files With Locate.mp4
10.03. The Powerful Find Command.mp4
11.01. How To Create A Linux Academy Disk Volume.mp4
11.02. Creating And Mounting A Disk Partition.mp4
11.03. Using fdisk, Creating A File System, and Configuring Mount Entry With -etc-fstab.mp4
11.04. Working With Linux Swap.mp4
11.05. -media mount point.m4v
12.01. du, df and mount.m4v
12.02. fsck and e2fsck.m4v
12.03. mke2fs and debugfs.m4v
12.04. dumpe2fs and tune2fs.m4v
12.05. xfs tools.m4v
12.06. Disk Partitioning Schemes.m4v
13.01. Simple Commands & Shortcuts For The Linux Shell.mp4
13.02. Environment Variables, Redirection Operators & Data Pipes.mp4
13.03. Manipulating Files.mp4
13.04. File Viewing Commands For The Linux Bash Shell.mp4
14.01. Disk Quotas.m4v
14.02. User Quotas.m4v
15.01. Preparing For The Exam & 10% Off Voucher.mp4
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